Wednesday 1 September 2010


I watched The Dark Knight.


I still love it.

But just one thing... Even though Chris Nolan says he's keeping it realistic, there are just a few points in the film that suggest otherwise. These things obviously don't matter at all in the long run, heck, the film needs them, but I just thought I'd be nitpicky and point them out.

First of all...

The Pencil.

Check this scene:

Notice anything unusual?


Watch it again.

Still no?

Well, I don't know about you, but I don't know of any pencils strong enough to be stabbed into a table, and then stand there imbedded in until you slam someone's head into it.

Also, wouldn't the pencil break? If the pencil went into the guy's eye, then surely, as it's so firmly in the table, it would have slid right out of the squishy eye, and left a bloody mess on a stick? Or, if the pencil had hit his forehead, it would have broke.

But it is a cool scene.


The Truck Flip

Well, we all know the scene, Batman is on his Bat-pod, grapples Jokers truck, does a fancy move, and the truck is over.

But it wouldn't work. Annoyingly, I couldn't find a video that allowed embedding, but find a video, and watch what Batman does.

He grapples the front, turns left, goes under it so he is on the right, then turns left and wraps it around some lamposts, then grapples it to the ground.

What would have happened? After some testing, I can tell you that from the speed and weight that thing has, it would have stopped, and tumbled slightly at and angle, so it's on it's side.

But where's the fun in that?



How can he talk with his face like that?


Nuff said.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Random thing I noticed in star wars.

The ships are always the right way up...

Well, what is the right way up in space? Because if you think about it, there is no gravity in space, and no ground, so how would they all end up in the same position? Planets have different gravitational pulls, and they are spheres. So how on earth- Sorry, how in space do all the ships end up in the same position when they fight?

Maybe there is an unexplained way. Maybe there is a simple way, and I'm just too stupid to realise. Maybe I'm thinking to much about it, or maybe, I'm just a geek.


Yeah, that's it.

Thursday 26 August 2010

So, you found my blog, eh?

I might post things like movie reviews, game reviews, things I did, things that annoy me, how awesome Batman is, upcoming films, thoughts, how awesome Batman is, and random ideas.

Like the idea? No? Then GTFO!